Svyatoslav I. Maslennikov


Senior Manager, Infrastructure Modernization at SADA

you're not your job you're not how much money you have you're not the car you drive you're not the contents of your wallet you're not the opinions of your company and neither is this site


Glühwein (Mulled Wine)

Sort of based off another recipe.



Quantity adjustments:

If you base this off less or more wine, the rest of the ingredients don’t scale the same. For example, here is the list for 750ml:


  1. Cut oranges into six slices each, do not peel
  2. Combine all the ingredients in a sauce pan or pot
  3. Heat on high to 70C while stirring occasionally, then immediately reduce to lowest heat
  4. Simmer on lowest heat for 1-2hrs. Do not let it heat past 70C to avoid losing precious alcohol!
  5. Taste test, add maple syrup/honey and Grand Marnier to taste
  6. Filter out and discard the solids. Keep the orange slices if you’ll eat them - I do!
  7. Drink!